проект foodtech в области производства белка из личинок черной мухи Black Soldier Fly «Экобелок»

FoodTech pilot project in the sphere of creation of protein through development and processing of Black Soldier Fly larvae Ekobelok presented the new concept of recycling and use of eco-tecnologies in production cycle

FoodTech pilot project focused on creation of protein through development and processing of Black Soldier Fly larvae Ekobelok, presented the new concept of recycling and use of eco-tecnologies in production of animal feed additives for birds and fish in the framework of ProteinTech and ProProtein Forums on production and use of proteins (plant, microbial (fodder yeast, haprin, etc.), synthetic (“test tube meat”) and animals (meat and fish flour).

The forums outline the following topics: 

  • global trends – high value added products made from sugars, organic acids;
  • engineering, construction and operation of plants for the deep processing of grain with the production of chemical products from starch and sugars;
  • renewable raw materials in the chemical and petrochemical industries;
  • glucose syrups – application, marketing and market prospects;
  • the use of modified starches and the production of gluten-export in Russia; sweetener production and other industry issues.

The forum gathered more than 150 representatives of the industry of manufacturers, importers and recyclist  of soy and vegetable proteins.

According to Akram Talibov, EcoBelok project manager, the project’s development strategy focuses on the production of high value-added products. The raw materials are the Black Antlion larvae.

“The project relates to biotechnology. We chose the Black Antlion (Hermetia illucens) because it is an unpretentious and safe insect easy to breed and keep. The choice is a great strategic step. Chitin and Chitosan derived from larvae are high-margin products. 

Lavraу recycling products – are the products of the future we are launching right now. 

The areas where the product can be used are: food, where proteins, fats and amino acids are completely friendly to humans; feed – as a feed base for livestock, fish farming and bio additive to pet food and vermicompost – as an ideal fertilizer for gardeners, which not only enriches the soil, but also destroys fungi such as late blight.